jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


This month I read four books, again, and with little variety.

Pretty Little Liars's books overdose. With their cheerful, colorful, flashy, doll-filled covers, their bitchy frenemy characters, their OMG mysteries, their "I'm too old for this teenage drama shit" kind of deal.

It was a teenybopper kind of month. And it was fabulous.

Pretty Little Liars Series by Sara Shepard

I'm gonna talk about all of them at the same time, because, honestly, I don't have a lot to say about them individually.

(Also, SPOILERS, maybe)

Pretty Little Liars #1, Flawless #2, Perfect #3 and Unbelievable #4 by Sara Shepard

Genres: Young Adult, Mystery, Contemporary, Romance, Thriller...

Pretty Little Liars #1 by Sara Shepard

Pretty Little Liars

"Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead."

Flawless by Sara Shepard


"The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets..."

Perfect by Sara Shepard


"Before you enbark on a journey of revenge, dig to graves."

Unbelievable by Sara Shepard


"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all?"


The beginnings of the books are a little bit on the slower side, nothing hugely exciting happens, and then when you're approaching the end, the plot picks up and shit really goes down. Maybe a little bit too quickly.

The fourth book it's a good example of that.


When we discover that Mona is A, it's cool and all, but then her death it's too abrupt for me. If you are distracted you may miss it. Or maybe I'm too ditzy. Or stupid.


But they are fun, easy, quick reads, nonetheless.

Also, I was pretty surprised, because the characters in the books (compared to the tv show) feel more like real teens; they think about sex, some of them even have it, they smoke, they drink, they swear (with the first "fuck" I almost gasped and everything)... And I was like hell yeah! Because I have the brain of a twelve year old boy.

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